Here is my transformation story


I've exercised most of my adult life on and off. The photo on the far left is from a time when I had stopped working out and eating good for a period of 2-3 years. I ate fast food almost daily, and drank beer every weekend! The next picture shows me in the Spring of 2012, when I slowly started exercising regularly again, by that Fall 2012 I was taking it seriously again and put in a good year consistently in the gym. The middle photo shows me In the fall of 2013, at the age of 42, when I decided to do my first competition. I got a coach to help me with my diet for the show. For once I stuck to the diet and my training consistently, and that is when I really started to see the changes I always wanted.  The 4th photo shows me just days before I competed in my first men's physique show in April 2014 at the Gopher State Classic, which I ended up winning the overall championship that night. This qualified me to do a national show, so I picked out the Pittsburgh Nationals to do in August of 2014. I competed in the 40+ Masters class at nationals and won my class, and earned my IFBB pro card. The last photos shows me a year and a half later, just days before I competed in 3 Pro shows, earning a 2nd & 3rd place finish in the Masters class shows (over 35 & 40 yrs old) and at top 10 finish in an Open class show (no age limit)!

I have literally walked in many people's shoes of living that unhealthy lifestyle until I had enough. I then decided to make the necessary changes to my nutrition and exercises, to live a healthy lifestyle. It doesn't happen overnight and it won't be easy. It's through commitment and consistency in workouts and nutrition that I've been able to achieve these results. Everyone's goals will be different. Some might want to loose 10lbs, some maybe need to loose 100lbs, others want to gain muscle, and some just want to be overall healthier and stronger as they get older. Whatever your reason, have realistic goals and just work on doing the right things one day at a time, and you will continue to make progress towards your goals and ultimately the goal of living a healthier lifestyle that can be sustained for life. I'm here to help if you need it. I'll help you take the guess work out of your fitness journey to living a healthier lifestyle. Through my personal training certification, my personal experiences, and my journey competing, I'm now committed to helping others achieve their fitness goals and teach them to live a healthy lifestyle for their future.

Cheers to your health!

Here's my inspiring client Alexa's transformation.

All my life I've struggled with weight and living with Multiple Sclerosis didn't make it any easier. Being diagnosed at 16 was a major blow! I was always questioning my abilities. MS can break you if you let it. Which it did for a while. Fighting not only symptoms but the weight gain was exhausting and depressing. But finally I had a breakthrough! 

Ever since I've started weight training I've lost over close to 60 pounds! I've also been able to recover from my MS attacks a lot better than I used to. Training with Alex Woodson has changed my life immensely! I've learned how to push myself and also focus which is key to creating strong spirit as well as achieving my fitness goals.

"I may have MS but MS does not have me!"

Amazing job Alexa! 

Here is my client Ted's amazing transformation story

Ted started training in January of 2014 at a body weight of close to 200 pounds. Ted started working with Alex in October of 2014 with a goal in mind of competing at the 2015 Mr/Ms Natural Minnesota body building championships. He will be competing in the Masters Men's Physique division. Now at 52 years old, Ted is down to a body weight of 163 pounds with a body fat of 11%. His goal by May 15th, 2015 is to be close to 4% body fat. He's proof you can decide to change at any age. Now he's healthier and can be more active with his wife and daughters.

Way to go Ted! Good Luck!!

Here is my client Ryan and his success story

Congratulations to Ryan Purdy for his incredible accomplishment thus far, and it's only the beginning. Ryan has made significant changes to his body fat percent and added desired lean muscle at the same time. Before he was 220lbs and about 30% body fat, currently Ryan weighs about 175lbs and his body fat has dropped to 15%! Ryan hits the weights hard each week with me and I've guided Ryan on his eating plan to continue to decrease body fat and build more lean mass by changing his diet to include more carbs and protein, and while reducing his fat intake. The results from his workouts and diet changes are less body fat and more muscle.. Overall Ryan feels better, has more energy, and is enjoying the changes in his body composition.

Nice Job Ryan!

Please check back as I will be adding more motivating transformations from my clients.